The Pembrokeshire Celebrant
Weddings ~ Civil Partnerships ~ Renewal of Vows ~ Commitment Ceremonies ~ Elopements
Pembrokeshire – Carmarthenshire – Ceredigion – Will travel further afield.
Have you always wanted to get married or renew your vows under the stars, on a beach, among beautiful gardens, beside castle ruins, or at your own home? Then an Independent Celebrant is the choice for you.
Religious and civil ceremonies (Registrar-led) can feel very limiting for some couples, which is why they turn to a celebrant-led ceremony that is personal, flexible, and as formal as you’d like.
With no templates, or ‘tick-boxes’ to follow you have complete creative freedom to have your day where you want, when you want, and in the way you want.
Couples Ceremonies

Couples can be mixed faith, no faith, interfaith, spiritual, secular, humanist, same-sex, mixed-sex, traditional, or modern – for a truly heartfelt ceremony, all you need is love.
You have absolute creative freedom. Your ceremony is written with you and only you in mind. I will take the time to get to know you and help and guide you to craft a celebration which does your love justice.
Currently, Celebrant-led ceremonies are not legally binding in the UK, although there are many people campaigning for them to become so and the legislation is being reviewed. But don’t let this put you off! There is a really simple and cheap way of having the ‘legal bit done, then having the ceremony you want – where you want, when you want and in the way you want.
Look at the document How To Legally Register Your Union to see how easy it is to overcome this.
Have a look at the downloads to find out about my pricing and what you can expect from me, some great ideas to make your day even more memorable, and how to ‘tick the legal’ box for your union.
Take a look at the FAQ’s. If there are any that I haven’t covered, please get in touch.
If you would like to arrange a no-obligation initial chat (usually over Zoom), please do fill out the contact form. It is important that you choose the right Celebrant for you, so having that initial chat will determine whether or not we would be a good match.
Contact Me
Ruth Harris
Qualified Independent Celebrant
NOCN Level 3 Diploma in Celebrancy
Funerals, Couples & Naming
Call: 07875 410374