The Pembrokeshire Celebrant

Why Renew Your Wedding Vows
Why renew your wedding vows? Think about all the many things you have faced together over the years. Are you the same people that pledged their love and commitment all those years ago? Making a marriage work requires a great many components – obviously love (and hopefully desire, although this can ebb and flow!), compromise, […]

10 Myths About Death & Funerals Part 2
6. It is completely legal for anyone to keep a body at home after death This is TRUE. It’s clearly not for everyone and, in some circumstances may not be possible but, certainly for a short amount of time there may be many benefits that can really help some with the acceptance and grieving process. […]

10 Myths About Death & Funerals Part 1
It is illegal to transport a dead body unless you are a medical or funeral professional. This is FALSE. Anyone can transport a dead body although it is advisable to have the death certificate on you just in case you are stopped by the police. There are many families that chose to do this and […]

How to get legally married in two easy steps for £127!
So, you’ve decided to have a Celebrant-led wedding – of course you have as they’re soooo much better as you get to have your day when you want, where you want and in the way you want. But you’re a bit boggled by the legal bits. Honestly, it’s dead easy. Here’s what you need to […]

Why have a Celebrant-led funeral?
One of the biggest benefits of a celebrant-led funeral is their openness and inclusivity. They allow to you to have a ceremony that is a true reflection of your loved one, a bespoke ceremony that completely encapsulates their love, style, personality and interests. Anything is possible. It can have the content you want – which […]

Why have a Celebrant-led wedding?
Have you always wanted to get married or renew your vows under the stars, on a beach, among beautiful gardens, beside castle ruins or at your own home? Then an Independent Civil Celebrant is the choice for you. Religious and civil ceremonies (Registrar led) can feel very limiting for some couples, which is why they […]
Ruth Harris
Qualified Independent Celebrant
NOCN Level 3 Diploma in Celebrancy
Funerals, Couples & Naming
Call: 07875 410374